Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

In addition to an overview of all funding programs and detailed program descriptions, the DFG provides numerous very detailed guidelines and templates that should be considered in any case when submitting a proposal.

For a large number of program lines, the project description to be prepared is based on DFG guideline 54.01. The Funding Advisory Service at Clausthal University of Technology will be happy to assist you in preparing the project description, e.g. by proofreading draft proposals with regard to completeness and coherence of the presentation with the funding guidelines.

In addition, we have provided some basic aspects of a DFG application as well as a guideline 54.01-related Chapter-by-chapter overview with TUC-relevant hints, including internal support services and the availability of standard texts that may be used, for you.

In its program lines, the DFG generally distinguishes between proposals submitted by individuals and proposals submitted by organizations.

Both proposals from individuals and proposals from organizations are usually created and submitted in the DFG's ELAN portal by the person primarily responsible (e.g., project leader:in the case of an in-kind grant or spokesperson:in the case of a Collaborative Research Center). Please note that proposals from the TU Clausthal organization may only be submitted after approval by the Presidential Board.


Personal applications

Even in the case of personal applications by researchers assigned to Clausthal University of Technology, in many cases the involvement of supporting central institutions makes sense or is even necessary in some cases. As application of persons count among other things

In most of these program lines the project description to be prepared is based on the DFG guideline 54.01. Please refer to our chapter-by-chapter overview with TUC-relevant references for the project description. For further individual advice and application support, please contact the Funding Advisory Service of Clausthal University of Technology directly.

Applications of the organization "TUC

Proposals prepared and submitted onbehalf of the TU Clausthal organization must be reported to the Executive Board at an early stage in order to be involved in the strategic direction of these initiatives. These include

In these funding lines, special DFG guidelines must be used, so that our aforementioned information on guideline 54.01 may only be used in a figurative sense. Please contact the Funding Advisory Service for comprehensive support and referral to other relevant TUC service institutions.

Please note that some information on these pages is only available to members of the TU Clausthal. To get full access to our services, you might need a VPN access!


Marc Muster

Marc Muster

Funding Advisory National

Phone: +49 5323 72-7751


DFG Guide 54.01

Presentation and notes on the DFG guidelines for proposal submission to be used in many program lines.


DFG template 53.01 (project description)

Pre-filled (english) project description with references to relevant sections, in particular financial planning (section 5) and research relevance of gender and diversity (section 2.5).


DFG template 53.01 (Projektbeschreibung)

Pre-filled (German) project description with references to relevant sections, in particular financial planning (section 5) and research relevance of gender and diversity (section 2.5).

DFG program lines