European Structural and Investment funds

European Structural and Investment Funds strengthen the economic and social development of European regions.

Funding period 2021 - 2027

In the new funding period from 2021 to 2027, around €2.4 billion has been earmarked for Lower Saxony. The state government adopted the overarching programme objectives for Lower Saxony in March 2020. These are the investments in

  • an innovative and intelligent economic transformation based on sustainable education and research.
  • its environment and in climate protection.
  • the future viability of its regions as well as in equal opportunities and participation.

EU funding is allocated through regional programmes and calls for proposals from the state ministries.

The most important ESIF programmes for TU Clausthal are:

  • European Social Fund (ESF)
    Measures of education and qualification "Opening of Universities" and "Skilled Worker Alliances"
  • European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
    Agricultural, environmental and climate protection and strengthening of rural areas


If you are planning to submit an application, please contact the Structural Funds Officer the TU Clausthal or their representatives as early as possible. We will advise you on the programmes, provide you with the application documents and access to the NBank portal and support you during the application process.

Structural Funds Officer

Heike Schröder

Dr. Heike Schröder

Funding Advisory EU

Phone: +49 5323 72-7752


Marc Muster

Marc Muster

Funding Advisory National

Phone: +49 5323 72-7751