INTERREG B Programs for Transnational Cooperation

In the INTERREG B program for Transnational Cooperation, EU funding is allocated through regional programs and calls for proposals from the state ministries.

The new program will support key EU policies such as the Green Deal or the Digital Transformation and aims to make the participating region "a greener, smarter and more livable place." Lower Saxony partners can participate in INTERREG B in three program areas:

If you are planning to submit an application, please contact the Structural Funds Officer of the TU Clausthal or their representatives. We will advise you on the programs and accompany you during the application process.


Structural Funds Officer

Heike Schröder

Dr. Heike Schröder

Funding Advisory EU

Phone: +49 5323 72-7752


Marc Muster

Marc Muster

Funding Advisory National

Phone: +49 5323 72-7751